Friday, May 16, 2014

Home Town Sightings

Here are some of my recent sightings from running errands around town.

This man is taking his tire for a walk.  He crossed two cross-walks with it.  The car that this tire belonged to, and a shop where he might have been heading were nowhere in sight.

This woman really likes Barry Manilow..  And just in case the vanity plate wasn't enough of a testament to her Manilow devotion, the license surround says "I'd rather be at a Barry Manilow concert".

This woman, is proud of her vehicle choice.  And really, you can't overstate your Escalade pride, not even with tasteful gold door handles and a matching gold roof rack.

This piece of work was left in my neighbor's car port when they abandoned their house to the bank.

I see the Peace Dove, Hitler, Freud, the fistful of money, and the ocean/water boob (wtf?).  I'm pretty sure the far left guy is Picasso.  I have no idea who the guy on the far right is...please tell me he is an ultra-conservative something or other, because that level of subtlety in art makes me happy.  Any thoughts?  I'd love your interpretation!

Here's another car gem:

Check out those rims!!  Bonus points to the person who can decipher "scruntup" into something intelligible.

And to leave things on a positive note - here is Leonard enjoying the warm weather in his yard.  He laid just like this for at least 15 minutes.

Hope you are enjoying the Spring with as much reckless abandon as Leonard!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, Guy on the right... Jerry Garcia?

