Dude. If this doesn't make you smile, somebody must have peed on your rug.
Or this? I mean....come on!
Its fantastic and I highly recommend checking it out.
A couple months ago Josh and I gave up on watching the newest version of Battlestar Gallactica. A very generous friend from book club loaned me her blu-ray discs of the entire show (for longer than I want to admit), and Josh and I tried but just couldn't finish it. Every time we started to like a character something terrible happened to them, and not in the Game of Thrones way, more like in the way of the show Lost, where it just opens up 8 more story lines none of which I have the energy to follow because I want to know WHERE THE POLAR BEAR CAME FROM???
Sorry... Anyway, we gave up and I felt the need to redeem the sci-fi genre to Josh.
I turned to Firefly. A coworker of mine told me about this show several years ago and I've loved it ever since. Josh was fully on board and he enjoyed it just as much as I did. I picked up the TV series from the library on a Friday, we watched the entire thing by the next Thursday, and I bought Serenity the following Friday. We both love the show, and I think we will be purchasing the DVD set soon :)
The timing just happened to coincide with Jesse Lonergan asking for requests on his Dancer A Day tumblr. Being in a Firefly state of mind, I requested: The Crew of Firefly.
Today this was the post:
The crew of Firefly for Kristina!
I love the Internet. Thanks Jesse!
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