I just had a great work day.
I think just about everyone knows that work has been difficult for me lately, which is why I feel like today's awesomeness is worth sharing.
As soon as I arrived this morning I got word that a HazMat shipment that needed to be in California this morning, was stuck in Idaho - it didn't get shipped, rendering the sample expired and therefore useless and forcing us to repeat thousands of dollars in testing at our expense.
I call the shipping office (I won't say which company but they have a clever arrow worked in their logo); they admit the responsibility for the failed shipment is entirely theirs. The manager of the store apologizes profusely, and gives me an account number for all future expenses related to this project. When was the last time you had a corporate entity admit responsibility and then give you an open expense account to fix it?
After hours of coordinating how to make this retest work, I call our analytical lab and see if there is a possible back up plan. As it turns out, I didn't have all the information, only part of the sample is expired (and even then it is still usable), the rest of it is still good. This means that if I can get the client and the local agency to be ok with less than perfect data on a portion of the test (which is only locally, not federally required, meaning the local agency has the authority to waive it), then we don't have to retest.
I call the client and we decide we want it in writing from the local agency. I can do that. So, I track down the agency contact on his cell phone and get in writing that they are ok with us submitting the locally required data as expired but usable so long as the federally required data is in perfect condition - which it is.
I just saved the company thousands of dollars by researching federal regulations and coordinating across four states between six different interested parties, meanwhile getting an open account from a major shipping company.
All that is going through my head right now is this song. And how they wrote it about me.
FAIR WARNING: Swearing is an integral part of this song
Every now and then it is good to toot your own horn. Right?